I've heard of some really bad NetLib issues. I remember hearing about other bugs but I cannot remember off the bat what they were.

We consulted with a Microsoft partner and came down to the conclusion that
1. The top resources at Microsoft has been allocated to SQL 7.0.
2. The last 3 service packs have introduced new issues and Microsoft has the "bottom of the barrel" support personnel on these issues.
3. SQL 7.0 is supposed to be a better tool. And have less issues.

We are moving towards SQL 7.0. Testing has begun a couple of months ago and so far so good. There are some minor changes in syntax and reserve words but we have been processing sps on 7.0 with no failure as of yet.

Hope this helps.

Dean at 3/10/99 5:05:13 PM

I have a third party app that has been 'certified' by the vendor on SQL 6.5 SP5. We are aware of the dump database issues when using SP5 and Enterprise Manager. We would like to use SP5a to get around those issues.

Is anyone aware of any other 'bugs' or problems that have come about in SP5a....

Thanks tons!
