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Thread: UE from using Views

  1. #1
    Nigel Foulkes-Nock Guest

    UE from using Views

    Has anyone experienced use of a View bringing down a SQL Server, sometimes corrupting the host DB?

    I have hit a problem recently, working with two tables via views, updating a field in one based upon the lookup value within another.

    There was something on Technet about a similar problem and since going back to hard-coded DB names, the problem appears to have gone.

    Any suggestions gratefully receieved, please e-Mail too when replying.

  2. #2
    Kenneth Wilhelmsson Guest

    UE from using Views (reply)

    Maybe apply the latest sp (sp5a) if you haven't already?
    What does Technet suggest as workaround?
    Could be that your way with hardcoded names is the only way to go in you situation...


    Nigel Foulkes-Nock at 3/21/99 5:27:35 AM

    Has anyone experienced use of a View bringing down a SQL Server, sometimes corrupting the host DB?

    I have hit a problem recently, working with two tables via views, updating a field in one based upon the lookup value within another.

    There was something on Technet about a similar problem and since going back to hard-coded DB names, the problem appears to have gone.

    Any suggestions gratefully receieved, please e-Mail too when replying.

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