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Thread: Merger Replication

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Question Merger Replication

    I am trying to create merger replication. In the replication I am not sure whetather I have done correctly.I have followed all the precedures. I have one sql server, one client machine. I have created publisher, distributer on the server machine. I have created the subscriber on the server too. The thing is when I choose my server machine, the original DATABASE also appears on the client side. Do if it appears on the client side what is the point of replication? or I did something wrong but I dont know What my wrongs are? I am so confused. I have also followed and article from this Webpage, it talks about remote connection but it doesnt show how it is done, therefore I am not sure wheather I have to create remote connection inside the network or not? so I am so confused, could you please some one help me to ******** this confusion?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    >> Do if it appears on the client side what is the point of replication?

    The point is that you have identical copies of the database in both (or more if you set it up that way) locations. You can make changes to either database and merge replication will handle the process of keeping both databases in synch. An update to either database will be automatically propagated to the other database.

    If you have the database in both places, then it sounds right to me.

    I'm not sure merge replication is what you really wanted. What are you trying to accomplish with merge replication?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    merge replication purpose

    We are trying to give some field workers to update, delete and add when it is necessary in the field. They are going to be off line though in their laptop. After they have done the modification we will sync. the main database. Therefore we are using merge replication.
    The problem is thoguh the conncetion that I have done is that has to be online or at the network all the time, but in our purpose, users will be off line. How can we create that off line subscribtion?
    Basically we want them to update or whatever they need to do then sync. them leater at the department.
    I hope this expalnation makes you more clear.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    You need to perform the update via DTS and forget about replication.

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