I am not terribly good at access or sql so please bear with me... I have been trying to get a form to spit out text boxes with text(!) based on several variables and convert numbers into text for my reports. Here's an example of what I am putting into an unbound text box:

IIf([MFTPCerv]=0,"",IIf([MFTPCerv]=2,"in both sides ",IIf([MFTPCerv]=3,"in the left side ",IIf([MFTPCerv]=4,"in the right side ",""))) & "of the cervical paraspinal musculature")

This works, but is a bit clunky and I am running into the 2048 character limit on expressions with some of my larger text boxs. Any help would be great! I don't know how to program in VBA, so please be gentle