I would like users to click on a link and update my database
by using a text box, Full explanation below.

I have a table called records
and 3 fields Artist - Title - Lyrics
Eample of the rows in each field is


My song Britney Spears Add
Your song Elton John Add
This song Elvis presley Add
another song Beatles Add

When you click on View you can see the lyrics.
However I would like users to be able to add lyrics via the site by clicking on add
The part i first struggled with was how does the script know which row has been clicked on and how
to add lyrics to the Lyrics field.

This is the script list.php that displays the fields above and makes the Add into a link
I have added the Metode function so it can used on the add.php
(the page that loads when clicked on the link add) the search string from the metode function tells
add.php what was clicked on and where to update the lyrics


PHP Code:
$dblist="$row[0] - $row[1]";
mysql_connect(localhost,XXXX,XXXXX)or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db(My_Database)or die(mysql_error());
$query=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $table LIMIT 0, 35  "); 
while ($row =@ mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
print("<td width=\"60%\" bgcolor=\"$color\"><center><small>");
echo("<center><small>$dblist  -   ");
printf("<a href=\"add.php?metode=Title&search=%s\">%s</a>",
" - Add" );
This is the code for then next page add.php
It shows which Title you clicked on. and adds the 'These are the Lyrics'
in place of the word 'Add'

PHP Code:
echo("You have clicked on the Title - $search");
mysql_connect(localhost,XXXX,XXXXX)or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db(My_Database)or die(mysql_error());
mysql_query("UPDATE $table SET Title='These are the Lyrics' WHERE Lyrics LIKE '$search'");
echo("<p> Lyrics have been added </p>"); 

all this basicly shows me that it is recornising what is being clicked on
and therefore known what row to place the updated text into and where.

While this works with a fixed text 'These are the Lyrics'
I can not work out for the life of me how to change any of this so a text box can be
displayed when the add link is clicked on.
once the text has been entered from the user into the text box they would click submit.
that text is then updated.

I hope i have not waffled on to much and have tried to explain what i need to work out.
Many thanks to everyone here, without you all i would not have searched and worked out how to get this far.

Now i am stuck i am having to ask your help.
Can anyone show me a way to do this.