I&#39;ve got a VB app that is going against a &#34;Great Plain&#34; accounting system database. Each company within a group of companies has it&#39;s own SQL Server database with the exact table structure under it. From my app, I choose the company I wish to preform an action on. Based on that choice, I need to have a stored procedure that pulls in customer data for that company(one of the tables). I need my stored procedure to take database NAME as a parameter so that I can avoid hard coding the database choices within the program. I&#39;ve already set up a table that contains the valid companies with their associated SQL Server database name. I just need to know how to have the stored proc take db name as a parameter. I know that this is semi OT, so if you don&#39;t just happen to know <g>, could you direct me to a SQL Server Listserve. I don&#39;t konw of one, but I&#39;m sure that there are probably 10 of them out there.

