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Thread: SQL 6.5 and locking

  1. #1
    Winston Guest

    SQL 6.5 and locking


    We are running out of locks while updating a particular table (table name = history, rows = 25,000,000) in SQL Server 6.5.

    LE threshold maximum is set to 200.
    LE threshold minimum is set to 20.
    LE threshold percentage is set to 0.

    Locks is set to 0.

    I have also included the stored procedure, which we use to update the history table.

    As you can see, from the first four lines, we ran this SP 4 times processing around 6 million rows at a time. It runs out of locks once it is around 5.5 to 6.5 million rows. Is there a way of locking the table so that this SP can be run just once which will effectively process all the 26 million rows in one go?

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.


    --declare minihist cursor for (select uin,uan,mailingdate from history(tablock)where rowno between 5635993 and 12000000)
    --declare minihist cursor for (select uin,uan,mailingdate from history(tablock)where rowno between 12000001 and 19000000)
    declare minihist cursor for (select uin,uan,mailingdate from history(tablock)where rowno > 19000000)

    set nocount on

    declare @sex char(1)
    declare @huin integer
    declare @huan integer
    declare @hmailingdate char(8)
    declare @mailtot integer
    declare @mail12m integer
    declare @lastday char(8)

    open minihist
    fetch next from minihist into @huin,@huan,@hmailingdate
    while (@@fetch_status <> -1)

    if (@@fetch_status <> -2)

    select @mailtot = 1 select @mail12m = 0

    /*** Get the gender ***/
    select @sex = gender from name where uin = @huin

    /*** Calculate if mailed in the last twelwe months ***/
    if (@hmailingdate <> null) and (@hmailingdate > &#39;19980524&#39
    select @mail12m = @mail12m +1

    /*** Get info for this uan from address_summary ***/
    select @mailtot = (@mailtot+mailed_total), @mail12m = (@mail12m+mailed_12months), @lastday = last_date from address_summary where uan = @huan

    /*** Insert a row into address_summary if doesn&#39;t exist ***/
    IF @@rowcount = 0

    Insert into address_summary ( uan, uin,mailed_total,Mailed_12months, last_date,last_gender)
    values (@huan,@huin,1, @mail12m, @hmailingdate,@sex)

    /*** compare recency ***/
    if (@hmailingdate < @lastday) or (@hmailingdate is null) /* history record is older */

    update address_summary
    set mailed_total = @mailtot,
    mailed_12months = @mail12m
    where uan = @huan


    update address_summary
    set uin = @huin,
    mailed_total = @mailtot,
    mailed_12months = @mail12m,
    last_date = @hmailingdate,

    last_gender = @sex
    where uan = @huan

    fetch next from minihist into @huin,@huan,@hmailingdate


    deallocate minihist

  2. #2
    Ray Miao Guest

    SQL 6.5 and locking (reply)

    You can&#39;t set locks = 0 in sql6.5 since it doesn&#39;t manage number of locks dynamically as sql7 does. The default value is 5000.

    Winston at 10/27/99 3:29:28 AM


    We are running out of locks while updating a particular table (table name = history, rows = 25,000,000) in SQL Server 6.5.

    LE threshold maximum is set to 200.
    LE threshold minimum is set to 20.
    LE threshold percentage is set to 0.

    Locks is set to 0.

    I have also included the stored procedure, which we use to update the history table.

    As you can see, from the first four lines, we ran this SP 4 times processing around 6 million rows at a time. It runs out of locks once it is around 5.5 to 6.5 million rows. Is there a way of locking the table so that this SP can be run just once which will effectively process all the 26 million rows in one go?

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.


    --declare minihist cursor for (select uin,uan,mailingdate from history(tablock)where rowno between 5635993 and 12000000)
    --declare minihist cursor for (select uin,uan,mailingdate from history(tablock)where rowno between 12000001 and 19000000)
    declare minihist cursor for (select uin,uan,mailingdate from history(tablock)where rowno > 19000000)

    set nocount on

    declare @sex char(1)
    declare @huin integer
    declare @huan integer
    declare @hmailingdate char(8)
    declare @mailtot integer
    declare @mail12m integer
    declare @lastday char(8)

    open minihist
    fetch next from minihist into @huin,@huan,@hmailingdate
    while (@@fetch_status <> -1)

    if (@@fetch_status <> -2)

    select @mailtot = 1 select @mail12m = 0

    /*** Get the gender ***/
    select @sex = gender from name where uin = @huin

    /*** Calculate if mailed in the last twelwe months ***/
    if (@hmailingdate <> null) and (@hmailingdate > &#39;19980524&#39
    select @mail12m = @mail12m +1

    /*** Get info for this uan from address_summary ***/
    select @mailtot = (@mailtot+mailed_total), @mail12m = (@mail12m+mailed_12months), @lastday = last_date from address_summary where uan = @huan

    /*** Insert a row into address_summary if doesn&#39;t exist ***/
    IF @@rowcount = 0

    Insert into address_summary ( uan, uin,mailed_total,Mailed_12months, last_date,last_gender)
    values (@huan,@huin,1, @mail12m, @hmailingdate,@sex)

    /*** compare recency ***/
    if (@hmailingdate < @lastday) or (@hmailingdate is null) /* history record is older */

    update address_summary
    set mailed_total = @mailtot,
    mailed_12months = @mail12m
    where uan = @huan


    update address_summary
    set uin = @huin,
    mailed_total = @mailtot,
    mailed_12months = @mail12m,
    last_date = @hmailingdate,

    last_gender = @sex
    where uan = @huan

    fetch next from minihist into @huin,@huan,@hmailingdate


    deallocate minihist

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