Please find the query to get rows count for all the tables in a database

//select Table_Name=object_name(id),
//"Rows"=convert(int,sum(rowcnt(doampg))) ,
//"ReservedKB"=sum(reserved_pgs(id,doampg))* 2+ sum(reserved_pgs(id,ioampg))*2,
//"Data"=sum(data_pgs(id,doampg))*2 ,
//from sysindexes
//where id in (select id from sysobjects where type='U&#39
//group by object_name(id);

PB at 5/22/2002 9:41:42 AM

Hi Guys --

I'll really appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction to find where Sybase 11.5 stores information related to...

... the Quantity of rows a table has,
... the current Size of a specific table.

Thank you in advance.