I tried to install AspDb EP 2.2108 on a server using MTS, but it didn't work.

When I tried your test file basic1-ep.asp I got the follwing result:

Server.object error 'ASP 0177:8004e00e'

Server.CreateObject Failed.

Just to be sure, I did this:

1) I made a copy of basic1-ep.asp changing EP to Pro
2) I tested that basic1.asp (the Pro version) worked
3) I deleted an old AspDB Pro component already installed on MTS
4) I shut down and restarted the web server
4) I verified that basic1.asp (the Pro version) did NOT work anymore.
5) I re-installed AspDB Pro on MTS
6) Then I tested the PRO page again, and it worked like a dream.

I had to use regsvr32 to make EP run. The two dll's are situated in parallell directories namned ASPDB and ASPDBEP, so it can't be a path problem.

Please look into this (and feel free to have a look at the other notes I posted the last few days too).

Martin Jocic