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Thread: dbColor and dbMagicCell

  1. #1
    Carolyn Bolton Guest

    dbColor and dbMagicCell

    I want the Grid and Form to be transparent so the background color is visable and also assign a Form cell to a color based on its field value using Magic Cell. Below is the code for the Magic Cell:

    TK.dbFormMagicCell="M_Status,,(#M_Status#|SW|I |bgcolor=green~" & _
    "#M_Status#|SW|A|bgcolor=red~" & _

    This works only if I use one of the 15 preset color schemes such as:

    TK.dbColor= "11"

    I've tried all sorts of combinations but it doesn't work, such as assigning dbColor to use my background colors, the preset colors using the Transparency=True.

    Any suggestions will be very much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Frank Guest

    dbColor and dbMagicCell (reply)

    seemed to be reasonable to allow Magic cell TDTag to override the transparant. I'll put this in the implementation list.


    Carolyn Bolton at 3/15/00 4:43:09 PM

    I want the Grid and Form to be transparent so the background color is visable and also assign a Form cell to a color based on its field value using Magic Cell. Below is the code for the Magic Cell:

    TK.dbFormMagicCell="M_Status,,(#M_Status#|SW|I |bgcolor=green~" & _
    "#M_Status#|SW|A|bgcolor=red~" & _

    This works only if I use one of the 15 preset color schemes such as:

    TK.dbColor= "11"

    I've tried all sorts of combinations but it doesn't work, such as assigning dbColor to use my background colors, the preset colors using the Transparency=True.

    Any suggestions will be very much appreciated.

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