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Thread: Copy database structure

  1. #1
    Herve Guest

    Copy database structure

    Hi all,

    I want to copy a production database schema to an archiving database, only
    the structure : tables, views, defaults, rules,UDTs. For achieving that
    I am trying to use SQL/DMO functions, "CopyAllTables" for example. My script works with no error but unfortunately the destination database
    contains no objects. Why, have I missed something ?
    Does anyone know how to do that?

    Many thanks for your help


  2. #2
    Craig F Guest

    Copy database structure (reply)

    Go to the production server and expand the table views. Right click and select "generate sql scripts". Select all tables, uncheck table drop (you only want table create) and then select the options you want to port over, ie views, permissions, anything that you want. Generate the sql script and then run that script on your second box in a query box with the correct database selected.

    Herve at 11/1/99 4:19:19 AM

    Hi all,

    I want to copy a production database schema to an archiving database, only
    the structure : tables, views, defaults, rules,UDTs. For achieving that
    I am trying to use SQL/DMO functions, "CopyAllTables" for example. My script works with no error but unfortunately the destination database
    contains no objects. Why, have I missed something ?
    Does anyone know how to do that?

    Many thanks for your help


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