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Thread: Problem inserting dates

  1. #1
    Paul Woods Guest

    Problem inserting dates

    I'm using ASP-db 6.UNO.11.26 on a Win2k/IIS5 server with a SQL2000 database also on Win2k, and I'm having a problem inserting dates.

    Using X.dbDebug = 101, I can see that ASP-db is trying to insert the record with the following statement:

    Edit SQL=INSERT INTO press_releases (Date) VALUES (#01/01/2001 00:00:00#)

    I get the following error:

    Error # (Edit_Execute_SQL) = 80040E14(-2147217900)
    Description = The name '#01' is not permitted in this context. Only constants, expressions, or variables allowed here. Column names are not permitted.
    Source = Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
    SQL State = 42000
    Native Error = 128

    I get essentially the same error if I cut and paste the SQL into Query Analyzer and try it there.

    My X.dbSQL property is set to "SQL"

    I have tried setting X.dbOptions = "DateWrap='" but it seems to be getting ignored.

    I should note that doing this insert from a server running NT4/IIS4 and ASP-db 6.UNO.09.14 works fine. The date gets correctly wrapped with an apostrophe.

    Am I doing something wrong or is there a bug here?



  2. #2
    Paul Woods Guest

    Problem inserting dates (reply)

    Boy, do I feel stupid. I just realized that I specified the following:

    X.dbDBType = SQL

    It should be:

    X.dbDBType = "SQL" (with quotes)

    I also incorrectly referred to this property below as "X.dbSQL".

    When you use the correct syntax, everything works okay. Funny how that is.

    Time to go home! Good night!

    Paul Woods at 12/27/00 5:32:10 PM

    I'm using ASP-db 6.UNO.11.26 on a Win2k/IIS5 server with a SQL2000 database also on Win2k, and I'm having a problem inserting dates.

    Using X.dbDebug = 101, I can see that ASP-db is trying to insert the record with the following statement:

    Edit SQL=INSERT INTO press_releases (Date) VALUES (#01/01/2001 00:00:00#)

    I get the following error:

    Error # (Edit_Execute_SQL) = 80040E14(-2147217900)
    Description = The name '#01' is not permitted in this context. Only constants, expressions, or variables allowed here. Column names are not permitted.
    Source = Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
    SQL State = 42000
    Native Error = 128

    I get essentially the same error if I cut and paste the SQL into Query Analyzer and try it there.

    My X.dbSQL property is set to "SQL"

    I have tried setting X.dbOptions = "DateWrap='" but it seems to be getting ignored.

    I should note that doing this insert from a server running NT4/IIS4 and ASP-db 6.UNO.09.14 works fine. The date gets correctly wrapped with an apostrophe.

    Am I doing something wrong or is there a bug here?



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