Anything yet? I can use this for a new client......

Rob Hodge at 11/23/00 2:53:05 PM

No replies from support on this either...

Come on it must be a problem for other ppl too...

Rob Hodge at 11/22/00 7:23:01 AM

Yes, same problem...

I am using win 95 with working PWS environment, no problems with registering with why? why? why?

Alan Warchuck at 10/12/00 3:22:46 PM

Ok using Windows 98 (A Development Machine).
Latest MDAC

All databases work through asp manually and with other 3rd party db controls.

ASPBD wouldn't work at all.

I unregistered using regsrv32
re-registered using MTS

Now it doesn't matter which i try it on dsn or dsn-less I get the same error:

ASP error '800a0034'

Bad file name or number

Can anyone help?
