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Thread: Designer

  1. #1
    jim presley Guest


    Wonderful package, except not idiot proof,this idiot's example:
    How do you save and use your .des files?
    I copy the code to an asp file, but when running I get "no".

  2. #2
    jim presley Guest

    Designer (reply)

    NEVER MIND, found that copying into directory where the asp file is fixes the problem, once again mouth before troubleshooting. Thanks

    jim presley at 11/13/00 3:05:37 PM

    Wonderful package, except not idiot proof,this idiot's example:
    How do you save and use your .des files?
    I copy the code to an asp file, but when running I get "no".

  3. #3
    Frank Kwong Guest

    Designer (reply)

    Don't feel bad, I wrote the code and I amd always looking for ASPdb.Inc !! Worst, I have many versions !!


    jim presley at 11/13/00 4:20:31 PM

    NEVER MIND, found that copying into directory where the asp file is fixes the problem, once again mouth before troubleshooting. Thanks

    jim presley at 11/13/00 3:05:37 PM

    Wonderful package, except not idiot proof,this idiot's example:
    How do you save and use your .des files?
    I copy the code to an asp file, but when running I get "no".

  4. #4
    C. Sakkas Guest

    Graphical User Interface for SQL Server 7.0

    Dear SQL Server Users,

    I would like to build a Graphical User Interface for my SQL Server 7.0 database but I do not know what to use:
    Should I use Visual Studio, or Visual Basic or Delphi? I am new to this community. Any advice would be appreciated.
    Thank you for your help.

    jim presley at 11/13/00 4:20:31 PM

    NEVER MIND, found that copying into directory where the asp file is fixes the problem, once again mouth before troubleshooting. Thanks

    jim presley at 11/13/00 3:05:37 PM

    Wonderful package, except not idiot proof,this idiot's example:
    How do you save and use your .des files?
    I copy the code to an asp file, but when running I get "no".

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