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Thread: Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 80080005'

  1. #1
    Tom Guest

    Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 80080005'

    This script was working fine before our Web programmer left our company. Now we get the Server object error below. I have minimal experience in creating ASP pages, but have read a few books and looked at your WebSite and have not found any reason why this should not work. Any assistance would be appreciated.


    Set MyDb=Server.CreateObject(&#34;AspDB.Free&#34
    MyDb.dbDSN = &#34;cedb&#34;
    MyDb.dbUnit = 111
    MyDb.dbColor = &#34;4,,lightyellow&#34;
    MyDb.dbGridTableTag = &#34;border=2&#34;
    MyDb.dbMemoTextSize = -1
    MyDb.dbExportFlds=&#34;EventID, EventName, Location, StartDate, CE Credits, StartTime, EndTime, Sponsor, Lunch, Target Audience, EventDescription, CEU, ACPEnum&#34;
    MyDb.dbSQL=&#34;SELECT [CE Events].EventID, [CE Events].EventName, [CE Events].Location, [CE Events].StartDate, [CE Events].[CE Credits], [CE Events].StartTime, [CE Events].EndTime, [CE Events].Sponsor, [CE Events].Lunch, [CE Events].[Target Audience], [CE Events].EventDescription, [CE Events].CEU, [CE Events].ACPEnum FROM [CE Events] WHERE ((([CE Events].StartDate)>=Date() And ([CE Events].StartDate)<Date()+60) AND (([CE Events].pharmweb)=Yes)) ORDER BY [CE Events].StartDate DESC;&#34;
    MyDb.dbGridDisplayFlds = &#34;1,2,3,4&#34;


    Server object error &#39;ASP 0177 : 80080005&#39;

    Server.CreateObject Failed

    /pharmweb/ce/test.asp, line 4

    Server execution failed

  2. #2
    Mark Guest

    Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 80080005' (reply)


    Symptom: Server execution failed
    Solution: &#34;This User&#34;

    Using MTS, when you create a Package, the Account it uses is: &#39;Interactive user - the current logged on user&#39;. That&#39;s all well and good until you log off from the server! The solution to having your ASPdb DLL run while your server is logged is simple:

    1) Open MTS (Internet Service Manager)
    2) Click on Computers / My Computer / Packages Installed /
    3) Right click on that package and choose Properties
    4) Choose the IDENTITY tab and click on &#34;This user:&#34;
    5) Enter the user id and password for an ID with read and execute
    privileges for that DLL.
    As a test only, you can just use an Admin ID & password.
    6) Click OK to apply the changes.

    I hope this helps.

    Tom at 2/29/00 4:10:15 PM

    This script was working fine before our Web programmer left our company. Now we get the Server object error below. I have minimal experience in creating ASP pages, but have read a few books and looked at your WebSite and have not found any reason why this should not work. Any assistance would be appreciated.


    Set MyDb=Server.CreateObject(&#34;AspDB.Free&#34
    MyDb.dbDSN = &#34;cedb&#34;
    MyDb.dbUnit = 111
    MyDb.dbColor = &#34;4,,lightyellow&#34;
    MyDb.dbGridTableTag = &#34;border=2&#34;
    MyDb.dbMemoTextSize = -1
    MyDb.dbExportFlds=&#34;EventID, EventName, Location, StartDate, CE Credits, StartTime, EndTime, Sponsor, Lunch, Target Audience, EventDescription, CEU, ACPEnum&#34;
    MyDb.dbSQL=&#34;SELECT [CE Events].EventID, [CE Events].EventName, [CE Events].Location, [CE Events].StartDate, [CE Events].[CE Credits], [CE Events].StartTime, [CE Events].EndTime, [CE Events].Sponsor, [CE Events].Lunch, [CE Events].[Target Audience], [CE Events].EventDescription, [CE Events].CEU, [CE Events].ACPEnum FROM [CE Events] WHERE ((([CE Events].StartDate)>=Date() And ([CE Events].StartDate)<Date()+60) AND (([CE Events].pharmweb)=Yes)) ORDER BY [CE Events].StartDate DESC;&#34;
    MyDb.dbGridDisplayFlds = &#34;1,2,3,4&#34;


    Server object error &#39;ASP 0177 : 80080005&#39;

    Server.CreateObject Failed

    /pharmweb/ce/test.asp, line 4

    Server execution failed

  3. #3

    Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 80080005' (reply)

    Mark at 3/1/00 11:47:49 AM


    Symptom: Server execution failed
    Solution: &#34;This User&#34;

    Using MTS, when you create a Package, the Account it uses is: &#39;Interactive user - the current logged on user&#39;. That&#39;s all well and good until you log off from the server! The solution to having your ASPdb DLL run while your server is logged is simple:

    1) Open MTS (Internet Service Manager)
    2) Click on Computers / My Computer / Packages Installed /
    3) Right click on that package and choose Properties
    4) Choose the IDENTITY tab and click on &#34;This user:&#34;
    5) Enter the user id and password for an ID with read and execute
    privileges for that DLL.
    As a test only, you can just use an Admin ID & password.
    6) Click OK to apply the changes.

    I hope this helps.

    Tom at 2/29/00 4:10:15 PM

    This script was working fine before our Web programmer left our company. Now we get the Server object error below. I have minimal experience in creating ASP pages, but have read a few books and looked at your WebSite and have not found any reason why this should not work. Any assistance would be appreciated.


    Set MyDb=Server.CreateObject(&#34;AspDB.Free&#34
    MyDb.dbDSN = &#34;cedb&#34;
    MyDb.dbUnit = 111
    MyDb.dbColor = &#34;4,,lightyellow&#34;
    MyDb.dbGridTableTag = &#34;border=2&#34;
    MyDb.dbMemoTextSize = -1
    MyDb.dbExportFlds=&#34;EventID, EventName, Location, StartDate, CE Credits, StartTime, EndTime, Sponsor, Lunch, Target Audience, EventDescription, CEU, ACPEnum&#34;
    MyDb.dbSQL=&#34;SELECT [CE Events].EventID, [CE Events].EventName, [CE Events].Location, [CE Events].StartDate, [CE Events].[CE Credits], [CE Events].StartTime, [CE Events].EndTime, [CE Events].Sponsor, [CE Events].Lunch, [CE Events].[Target Audience], [CE Events].EventDescription, [CE Events].CEU, [CE Events].ACPEnum FROM [CE Events] WHERE ((([CE Events].StartDate)>=Date() And ([CE Events].StartDate)<Date()+60) AND (([CE Events].pharmweb)=Yes)) ORDER BY [CE Events].StartDate DESC;&#34;
    MyDb.dbGridDisplayFlds = &#34;1,2,3,4&#34;


    Server object error &#39;ASP 0177 : 80080005&#39;

    Server.CreateObject Failed

    /pharmweb/ce/test.asp, line 4

    Server execution failed

  4. #4
    Scott Guest

    Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 80080005' (reply)

    I&#39;m the programmer that left and I think I know what the problem is. When I set up the package, I set it up using my NT account. I should have set it up with a generic admin account instead. At some point, my account was removed from the domain which then rendered the component unauthorized.

    Tom - you should go and open up the component in MTS and change the user to another admin user. You may need to create a local admin account in the server domain manager.

    Give me a call if you run into problems.

    Mark at 3/1/00 11:47:49 AM


    Symptom: Server execution failed
    Solution: &#34;This User&#34;

    Using MTS, when you create a Package, the Account it uses is: &#39;Interactive user - the current logged on user&#39;. That&#39;s all well and good until you log off from the server! The solution to having your ASPdb DLL run while your server is logged is simple:

    1) Open MTS (Internet Service Manager)
    2) Click on Computers / My Computer / Packages Installed /
    3) Right click on that package and choose Properties
    4) Choose the IDENTITY tab and click on &#34;This user:&#34;
    5) Enter the user id and password for an ID with read and execute
    privileges for that DLL.
    As a test only, you can just use an Admin ID & password.
    6) Click OK to apply the changes.

    I hope this helps.

    Tom at 2/29/00 4:10:15 PM

    This script was working fine before our Web programmer left our company. Now we get the Server object error below. I have minimal experience in creating ASP pages, but have read a few books and looked at your WebSite and have not found any reason why this should not work. Any assistance would be appreciated.


    Set MyDb=Server.CreateObject(&#34;AspDB.Free&#34
    MyDb.dbDSN = &#34;cedb&#34;
    MyDb.dbUnit = 111
    MyDb.dbColor = &#34;4,,lightyellow&#34;
    MyDb.dbGridTableTag = &#34;border=2&#34;
    MyDb.dbMemoTextSize = -1
    MyDb.dbExportFlds=&#34;EventID, EventName, Location, StartDate, CE Credits, StartTime, EndTime, Sponsor, Lunch, Target Audience, EventDescription, CEU, ACPEnum&#34;
    MyDb.dbSQL=&#34;SELECT [CE Events].EventID, [CE Events].EventName, [CE Events].Location, [CE Events].StartDate, [CE Events].[CE Credits], [CE Events].StartTime, [CE Events].EndTime, [CE Events].Sponsor, [CE Events].Lunch, [CE Events].[Target Audience], [CE Events].EventDescription, [CE Events].CEU, [CE Events].ACPEnum FROM [CE Events] WHERE ((([CE Events].StartDate)>=Date() And ([CE Events].StartDate)<Date()+60) AND (([CE Events].pharmweb)=Yes)) ORDER BY [CE Events].StartDate DESC;&#34;
    MyDb.dbGridDisplayFlds = &#34;1,2,3,4&#34;


    Server object error &#39;ASP 0177 : 80080005&#39;

    Server.CreateObject Failed

    /pharmweb/ce/test.asp, line 4

    Server execution failed

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