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2. Make an exmaple using Scott/Tiger - EMP table to illustrate your problem.

ASP-db's Oracle support is trmemndous. It support Oracle's date format, packages and fucntions.


jean-yves sarag at 5/17/00 5:20:48 AM

I am just testing the aspdb (free for the time being , before bying the entreprise version), and I am using the MS ODBC for Oracle , version 2573.3711 . This driver works quite good outside aspdb.The Oracle version is 8.0.5
When I use it inside aspdb-free, for doing a "select * from tablename", the query retrieves data only from table with ZERO record (empty table), with this message:
(Click on any column title to sort)

Warning: User supplied query returns no records for display.
Select * from frxinb61.tb61timecross



, and when there arerecords in a table , I got the following message :

(Click on any column title to sort)

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC driver for Oracle][Oracle]ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected

/aspdb/asp-test-free-plain.asp, line 37 ,
where line 37 = MyDb.aspDBfree

My simple code is :
MyDb.dbDSN="DSN=oracleDSN;UID=xPWD=y"Show as a grid
MyDb.DbGridInc =5
MyDb.DbSQL = "Select * from owner.tablename"

- The version I am using is :
ASP-db Version: 1.1930 Free WinNT
ASP-db License: ASPDB - Free™ ©1998 - Public Domain Copy Ver. 1.1930 Free .

I have looked for a long time for this problem, without success. I will be really glad if I can have some help from you ...

PS: Is the problem related with the ODBC driver I am using from MS.?

Best regards , and thanks in advanc efor your help .
Jean-Yves SARAG