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Thread: query process is slow

  1. #1
    Eric Guest

    query process is slow

    We are having the sql server,iis,aspdbep on the same server. whenever i work on visual interdev to create some pages, the query to the database is not established. It simply displays the main page which is some html tags,but when i try to query a table,it keep on browsing. Is it because we have the database,iis and everything on the same server. Moreover, when we clear the log files and reboot the server,everything becomes normal but eventually we cannot reboot the server everytime we clear the log files. Any help is highly appreciated.


  2. #2
    Frank Kwong Guest

    query process is slow (reply)

    The SQL server is the bad news. When I do that on my NT/2000 servers (I use a server for development - 192MB), I cannot even fire up Outlook Express. I have to shut down SQL7 to use E-mail. On top of that Memory error messages are often. So I eventually use my portable server (show unit) to house the SQL server and after that the problem is gone. I also noticed that ORACLE has no such problem.


    Eric at 5/24/00 1:39:14 PM

    We are having the sql server,iis,aspdbep on the same server. whenever i work on visual interdev to create some pages, the query to the database is not established. It simply displays the main page which is some html tags,but when i try to query a table,it keep on browsing. Is it because we have the database,iis and everything on the same server. Moreover, when we clear the log files and reboot the server,everything becomes normal but eventually we cannot reboot the server everytime we clear the log files. Any help is highly appreciated.


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