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Thread: MyDb.aspDBPro shows nothing!

  1. #1
    Johnnie Guest

    MyDb.aspDBPro shows nothing!


    I just downloaded an evaluation version of aspdbPro. I installed it with no problems (I think).
    It seems that works (it passes all the tests) BUT...
    It doesn't show the data!
    All aspdb properties seem to work nice.
    Although it shows an error message if I don't define correctly the connection properties (dbdsn etc), it shows nothing when the connection properties are right!

    I'm using PWS on an Windows98 mashine.

    Please help me.

    Thanks in advance,


  2. #2
    John Guest

    MyDb.aspDBPro shows nothing! (reply)

    Hi Johnnie,

    First of all, you must register it with MTS, not regsvr32.

    Second of all, try running the sample programs. Does smartdb.asp work?
    Does pureasp.asp work?

    Once you get it working with the sample programs, change the data source
    to your programs and you're on your way!


    Johnnie at 6/25/00 11:36:32 AM


    I just downloaded an evaluation version of aspdbPro. I installed it with no problems (I think).
    It seems that works (it passes all the tests) BUT...
    It doesn't show the data!
    All aspdb properties seem to work nice.
    Although it shows an error message if I don't define correctly the connection properties (dbdsn etc), it shows nothing when the connection properties are right!

    I'm using PWS on an Windows98 mashine.

    Please help me.

    Thanks in advance,


  3. #3
    Johnnie Guest

    MyDb.aspDBPro shows nothing! (reply2)

    Hi John,

    Thanx for your help but...

    I register with MTS and I still get the same results!

    The tests work fine but they don't show the data!!!

    I know that all the code that have to do with aspdb works fine except for the aspDBPro method that does nothing.

    Here is the Basic1.asp example that I use to proove that aspdb works but aspDBPro method does not:

    Set MyDb = Server.CreateObject(&#34;AspDB.Pro&#34 &#39;Create the ASP-db Object
    MyDb.dbUnit = 123 &#39;Make this a unique number for each page
    MyDb.dbDSN = &#34;DSN=NORTHWIND;UID=SA;PWD=;Database=NORTHWIND& #34;
    mydb.dbDBType = &#34;SQL&#34;
    MyDb.dbSQL = &#34;Select * from Categories&#34; &#39;Put in your own SQL here
    Response.Write(MyDB.dbVersion) &#39; <--- This is mine to proove it aspdb works
    MyDb.aspDBPro &#39;Display the data!

    the result is a page that only displays:
    6.2801 - Pro

    How about that?

    TNX in advance,


    John at 6/26/00 4:10:10 AM

    Hi Johnnie,

    First of all, you must register it with MTS, not regsvr32.

    Second of all, try running the sample programs. Does smartdb.asp work?
    Does pureasp.asp work?

    Once you get it working with the sample programs, change the data source
    to your programs and you&#39;re on your way!


    Johnnie at 6/25/00 11:36:32 AM


    I just downloaded an evaluation version of aspdbPro. I installed it with no problems (I think).
    It seems that works (it passes all the tests) BUT...
    It doesn&#39;t show the data!
    All aspdb properties seem to work nice.
    Although it shows an error message if I don&#39;t define correctly the connection properties (dbdsn etc), it shows nothing when the connection properties are right!

    I&#39;m using PWS on an Windows98 mashine.

    Please help me.

    Thanks in advance,


  4. #4
    Mark Guest

    MyDb.aspDBPro shows nothing! (reply2) (reply)


    Be sure your address start with the letters &#34;http&#34; in your browser&#39;s address line. If it does not start with the letters &#34;http&#34; , then the asp code will never get processed by your server.

    I don&#39;t know if this is your problem, but a lot a users have this problem. It often comes from trying the view the asp page by double-clicking on the file name. You can NOT start an asp page that way. You MUST **TYPE** in the complete URL on the keyboard. Such as:



    Johnnie at 6/26/00 3:14:24 PM

    Hi John,

    Thanx for your help but...

    I register with MTS and I still get the same results!

    The tests work fine but they don&#39;t show the data!!!

    I know that all the code that have to do with aspdb works fine except for the aspDBPro method that does nothing.

    Here is the Basic1.asp example that I use to proove that aspdb works but aspDBPro method does not:

    Set MyDb = Server.CreateObject(&#34;AspDB.Pro&#34 &#39;Create the ASP-db Object
    MyDb.dbUnit = 123 &#39;Make this a unique number for each page
    MyDb.dbDSN = &#34;DSN=NORTHWIND;UID=SA;PWD=;Database=NORTHWIND& #34;
    mydb.dbDBType = &#34;SQL&#34;
    MyDb.dbSQL = &#34;Select * from Categories&#34; &#39;Put in your own SQL here
    Response.Write(MyDB.dbVersion) &#39; <--- This is mine to proove it aspdb works
    MyDb.aspDBPro &#39;Display the data!

    the result is a page that only displays:
    6.2801 - Pro

    How about that?

    TNX in advance,


    John at 6/26/00 4:10:10 AM

    Hi Johnnie,

    First of all, you must register it with MTS, not regsvr32.

    Second of all, try running the sample programs. Does smartdb.asp work?
    Does pureasp.asp work?

    Once you get it working with the sample programs, change the data source
    to your programs and you&#39;re on your way!


    Johnnie at 6/25/00 11:36:32 AM


    I just downloaded an evaluation version of aspdbPro. I installed it with no problems (I think).
    It seems that works (it passes all the tests) BUT...
    It doesn&#39;t show the data!
    All aspdb properties seem to work nice.
    Although it shows an error message if I don&#39;t define correctly the connection properties (dbdsn etc), it shows nothing when the connection properties are right!

    I&#39;m using PWS on an Windows98 mashine.

    Please help me.

    Thanks in advance,


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