It's my understanding that I can decide whether or not to display a field by using the MagicCell conditional statement. Is this so, and if yes, how? Here is what I want to do...

X.dbSQL = &#34;SELECT StockNo,SerialNo,Yr,Make,Carline AS Ford,Carline AS Chevrolet,Color,Miles,C_Cst FROM CARLIST&#34;

X.dbFilterFlds = &#34;Make,Ford,Chevrolet&#34;

X.dbFilterDropFlds = &#34;Make,,Carlist,Make,,,,,Distinct;;;Ford,,,,Sel ect Distinct Carline from Carlist where Make like &#39;FORD%&#39;; Chevrolet,,,,Select Distinct Carline from Carlist where Make like &#39;CHEVROLET%&#39;&#34;

If they choose something from the Ford dropdown, I want it to only display the Carline field &#39;AS Ford&#39;. And the same for Chevrolet. How can I get this to happen with magicCell?
