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Thread: Who far can i put the labels/percentages/values of the chartpie

  1. #1
    RobertoPFister Guest

    Who far can i put the labels/percentages/values of the chartpie

    Ok.. how can i far away the values of the chartpie???
    I have a chartpie, it has 10 slices.. each slice has a value or label or a percentage Ok.. then they are too closer one of each other or they are very joined one of the other, then the values/percentages mixted and i can't see completely the values/percentages, how can I move away/far away the values from each slice from the graph pie...
    i have this example this is the chartpie--->>()-36%(percentage)
    I need to do this example chartpie --->> ()-----36%(percentage)

  2. #2
    Frank Kwong Guest

    Who far can i put the labels/percentages/values of the chartpie (reply)

    see reply in the other message


    RobertoPFister at 6/18/01 7:02:18 PM

    Ok.. how can i far away the values of the chartpie???
    I have a chartpie, it has 10 slices.. each slice has a value or label or a percentage Ok.. then they are too closer one of each other or they are very joined one of the other, then the values/percentages mixted and i can't see completely the values/percentages, how can I move away/far away the values from each slice from the graph pie...
    i have this example this is the chartpie--->>()-36%(percentage)
    I need to do this example chartpie --->> ()-----36%(percentage)

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