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Thread: Tornado super sort query error.

  1. #1
    alarabie Guest

    Tornado super sort query error.

    How does one set the original sort order of a grid when using the super sort feature in Tornado? Using an order by on the query causes an invalid query error if I want to change the order using the arrow keys on the grid.

    Dim grid As New Tornado.Z()
    with grid
    .dbQP = "m=g|d=phones|th=Title=District Attorney Phone List|gdf=3,2,4,5,6,7,8"
    .dbsql = "Select * from [employee table] order by 3"
    .dbskin = "space"
    .dbfilterflds = "3,2,4,6,7,8"
    .dbpagesize = 14
    .dbsortflds = "3,2,6,7,8"
    .dbNameMap = "fi=2|alias=First,fi=3|alias=Last,fi=4|alias=P osition,fi=5|alias=Number"
    .dbNavigationItem = "top,bottom,prev,next,filter"
    end with


  2. #2
    John Guest

    Tornado super sort query error. (reply)

    Hi Andrew,

    That's a problem we've just fixed in the latest release.

    Contact support to get your copy.


    alarabie at 9/19/2002 10:48:12 AM

    How does one set the original sort order of a grid when using the super sort feature in Tornado? Using an order by on the query causes an invalid query error if I want to change the order using the arrow keys on the grid.

    Dim grid As New Tornado.Z()
    with grid
    .dbQP = "m=g|d=phones|th=Title=District Attorney Phone List|gdf=3,2,4,5,6,7,8"
    .dbsql = "Select * from [employee table] order by 3"
    .dbskin = "space"
    .dbfilterflds = "3,2,4,6,7,8"
    .dbpagesize = 14
    .dbsortflds = "3,2,6,7,8"
    .dbNameMap = "fi=2|alias=First,fi=3|alias=Last,fi=4|alias=P osition,fi=5|alias=Number"
    .dbNavigationItem = "top,bottom,prev,next,filter"
    end with


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