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Thread: ADO - Not all columns returned from Stored Procedure

  1. #1
    Ian Whitehouse Guest

    ADO - Not all columns returned from Stored Procedure

    We have a complicated STored Procedure in SQL Server that uses several Temporary Tables. If this is called in SQL Servers own tools then all colums are returned. If the procedure is called via ADO on the ASP page (and MS Access) then some of the columns (all belonging to one temp table) are not reurned.

    I have tried numerous ways of coding the ASP page and changed the coding of the Stored Procedure but to no avail.

    What am I missing?

  2. #2
    John Guest

    ADO - Not all columns returned from Stored Procedure (reply)

    Hi Ian,

    Are you using ASP-db to solve this? If not, that's your solution. Go to


    Ian Whitehouse at 9/10/2002 4:54:10 AM

    We have a complicated STored Procedure in SQL Server that uses several Temporary Tables. If this is called in SQL Servers own tools then all colums are returned. If the procedure is called via ADO on the ASP page (and MS Access) then some of the columns (all belonging to one temp table) are not reurned.

    I have tried numerous ways of coding the ASP page and changed the coding of the Stored Procedure but to no avail.

    What am I missing?

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