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Thread: sizing of columns

  1. #1
    Steve DeFazio Guest

    sizing of columns

    How do you dontrol size of columns. Even if you put in width = xxx, the asp db object still stretches to the width of the window..???


  2. #2
    Steve DeFazio Guest

    sizing of columns (reply)

    Mark at 3/31/2002 7:02:11 PM
    the examples work, except on the last column of your data. The last column always stretches to the width of the browser.


    Hi Steve,
    Check out "BASIC Programming Examples" A5 and A6 at:
    I hope that helps.

    Steve DeFazio at 3/29/2002 4:11:05 PM

    How do you dontrol size of columns. Even if you put in width = xxx, the asp db object still stretches to the width of the window..???


  3. #3
    John Guest

    sizing of columns (reply)

    Hi Steve,

    Easy one!

    All you have to do is to tell ASP-db to set the table width to a fixed amount, and it will no longer size to fit the available space in the window.

    You do this with the dbGridTableTag parameter. Here's an example:

    X.dbGridTableTag = "width=500"

    Set this and your ASP-db table will never exceed 500 pixels in width. All set!

    Take care,

    Steve DeFazio at 4/10/2002 2:26:28 PM

    Mark at 3/31/2002 7:02:11 PM
    the examples work, except on the last column of your data. The last column always stretches to the width of the browser.


    Hi Steve,
    Check out "BASIC Programming Examples" A5 and A6 at:
    I hope that helps.

    Steve DeFazio at 3/29/2002 4:11:05 PM

    How do you dontrol size of columns. Even if you put in width = xxx, the asp db object still stretches to the width of the window..???


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