There will be a new keyword in the next release in dbOptions="MemoParagraph=xx", where xx can be <p>, <br> or <hr> or anything. That would take care of the paragraph break you are inquiring about. So just wait for the new release. I do not know when that would be (< 10 days I am guessing.)


On 9/10/98 10:31:34 AM, Steven Overson wrote:
> Frank,

When you say "can be replaced by <br> easily in the grid cell,"
> does this mean that ASP-db has a mechanism for doing the replace as data is
> read from the database? How is this done?


On 9/9/98 9:23:42
> PM, Frank Kwong wrote:
> Steven,
Good News, the C-Enter generates OD OA
> and can be replaced by <br>
> easily in the grid cell. In dbFormMemo, the
> CR LF is already supported.
> Look for this feature in the next
> release(s).


On 9/9/98
> 4:52:22 PM, Steven Overson wrote:
> I have the following entered into a
> memo field in an Access 97
> database:

"Paragraph one.
> two.

Skip a line to
> paragraph
> three."

The Return at the end of
> each paragraph is
> entered using
> Ctrl-ENTER. And it displays fine in
> Access. But when
> it is displayed in
> either form or grid mode with
> MyDb.dbMemoTextSize=-1, the text is displayed
> as:

"Paragraph one.
> Paragraph two. Skip a line to paragraph
> three."

Is there a way
> to
> preserve paragraphs while displaying memo fields using ASP-db?