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In my Oracle database, I have a field named PHOTO which contains the photo of the employee.

Here is my code:
response.buffer = true

set myDB = server.CreateObject(&#34;AspDB.Pro&#34


response.write &#34;<b><center><font size=5>&#34; & &#34;This is my SQL query&#34; & &#34;</font></center></b><br><BR><BR>&#34;


myDB.dbSQL=&#34;Select * FROM table_name where last_name like &#39;D%&#39; and photo IS NOT NULL order by last_name&#34;

myDB.dbColor = &#34;Lightyellow,black,Lightyellow,black&#34;
myDB.dbGridTableTag=&#34;border=1 cellspacing=3&#34;
mydb.dbNavigationItem=&#34;top,bottom,prev,next&#3 4;


myDB.dbUnit =1

mydb.dbButtonAnchor = false
This is the message I get:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error &#39;800a0007&#39;

Out of memory: &#39;myDB.aspDBPro&#39;

/travail/sylvie/photo.asp, line 29 error &#39;ASP 0194&#39;

OnEndPage Failed


An error occurred in the OnEndPage method of an external object.

I&#39;m sure that the PHOTO field in the database is not empty. I saw it directly in the database. It seems like it&#39;s trying go download the picture but at the end, the cell in the grid named PHOTO contains a square with a red X in it.

When I select fields with text only, as LastName field, it works.

Please anyone help me !!! I&#39;ve been working on that problem for almost a month.