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Thread: Can't add a new record to a table as theres no add button.

  1. #1
    Paul Cook Guest

    Can't add a new record to a table as theres no add button.

    I want to add a record to a table but can't as theres no button. In the example code, if there are no records with a SupplierKey of 3 then no add button is displayed so none can be added!!!!! Help! What am I missing?


    Set X=Server.CreateObject("AspDB.Pro&#34

    X.dbUnit = 1

    X.dbSQL="Select * FROM Desktop WHERE Desktop.SupplierKey = 3"
    X.dbNavigationItem="top, next, prev, bottom, filter, add, delete, edit"

    X.dbFormDisplayFlds="Logo, Title, CPU, Detail, Memory, HardDisk, CDROM, Sound, Video, Monitor, Price, URL, SpeedCallID"
    X.dbGridDisplayFlds="Logo, Title, CPU, Memory, HardDisk, CDROM, Sound, Video, Monitor, Price"
    X.dbExportFlds = "SupplierKey, Name, Address1, Address2, Address3, Address4, Address5, Title, Price"
    X.dbGridTableTag="style=""font-family: Verdana; font-size: xx-small"""
    X.dbFormTableTag="style=""font-family: Verdana; font-size: x-small"""

    X.dbEditParams="TableName=Desktop,BookMarkFlds =0"
    X.dbEditDropFlds = "SupplierKey,,," + CStr(session("ASPdb_1_SupplierKey&#34)
    X.dbEditFlds="SupplierKey[" + CStr(session("ASPdb_1_SupplierKey&#34) + "], Title, CPU, Detail, Memory, HardDisk, CDROM, Sound, Video, Monitor, Price, URL"


  2. #2
    John Guest

    Can't add a new record to a table as theres no add button. (reply)

    Hi Paul,

    In today's version, if your query returns NO records, you won't see the add
    button. You can check the number of records returned (dbRecordCount) and if
    it's zero, then "reload" your page and change your startup mode to EditAdd to
    put the user right into Add mode.

    The next version will do this automatically if you wish and will even add a
    new parameter which will allow you to specify a separate SQL string to
    determine the "record count".

    Hope this helps,

    On 12/21/98 8:34:17 AM, Paul Cook wrote:
    > I want to add a record to a table but can't as theres no button. In the
    > example code, if there are no records with a SupplierKey of 3 then no add
    > button is displayed so none can be added!!!!! Help! What am I
    > missing?


    > X=Server.CreateObject("AspDB.Pro&#34

    X.dbUnit =
    > 1

    X.dbSQL="Select * FROM Desktop WHERE
    > Desktop.SupplierKey = 3"
    X.dbNavigationItem="top, next, prev,
    > bottom, filter, add, delete, edit"

    > Title, CPU, Detail, Memory, HardDisk, CDROM, Sound, Video, Monitor, Price,
    > URL, SpeedCallID"
    X.dbGridDisplayFlds="Logo, Title, CPU, Memory,
    > HardDisk, CDROM, Sound, Video, Monitor, Price"
    X.dbExportFlds =
    > "SupplierKey, Name, Address1, Address2, Address3, Address4, Address5,
    > Title, Price"
    > Verdana; font-size:
    > xx-small"""
    > Verdana; font-size:
    > x-small"""

    > =0"
    X.dbEditDropFlds = "SupplierKey,,," +
    > CStr(session("ASPdb_1_SupplierKey&#34)
    > " + CStr(session("ASPdb_1_SupplierKey&#34) + "], Title, CPU,
    > Detail, Memory, HardDisk, CDROM, Sound, Video, Monitor, Price,
    > URL"


  3. #3
    Frank Guest

    Can't add a new record to a table as theres no add button. (reply)

    Add to "blank" DB problem has been fixed in Ver. 2 of ASPDB. Please contact MMS folks for the specifications and beta participation.


    On 12/21/98 8:34:17 AM, Paul Cook wrote:
    > I want to add a record to a table but can't as theres no button. In the
    > example code, if there are no records with a SupplierKey of 3 then no add
    > button is displayed so none can be added!!!!! Help! What am I
    > missing?


    > X=Server.CreateObject("AspDB.Pro&#34

    X.dbUnit =
    > 1

    X.dbSQL="Select * FROM Desktop WHERE
    > Desktop.SupplierKey = 3"
    X.dbNavigationItem="top, next, prev,
    > bottom, filter, add, delete, edit"

    > Title, CPU, Detail, Memory, HardDisk, CDROM, Sound, Video, Monitor, Price,
    > URL, SpeedCallID"
    X.dbGridDisplayFlds="Logo, Title, CPU, Memory,
    > HardDisk, CDROM, Sound, Video, Monitor, Price"
    X.dbExportFlds =
    > "SupplierKey, Name, Address1, Address2, Address3, Address4, Address5,
    > Title, Price"
    > Verdana; font-size:
    > xx-small"""
    > Verdana; font-size:
    > x-small"""

    > =0"
    X.dbEditDropFlds = "SupplierKey,,," +
    > CStr(session("ASPdb_1_SupplierKey&#34)
    > " + CStr(session("ASPdb_1_SupplierKey&#34) + "], Title, CPU,
    > Detail, Memory, HardDisk, CDROM, Sound, Video, Monitor, Price,
    > URL"


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