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Thread: lookup dropdown menu?

  1. #1
    alex Guest

    lookup dropdown menu?

    Is this possible? I have a field that is a foreign key for another table. Instead of showing that meaningless value in a text box, can the default text box be replaced with a dropdown menu containing the appropriate values from the corresponding table?

    Thanks much.

  2. #2
    John Guest

    lookup dropdown menu? (reply)

    Hi Alex,

    Sure! No problem. When displaying the data in a grid or form, you use the dbDisplayLookupList parmeter. It does exactly what you're after - shows the "looked up" value rather than the foreign key value.

    When doing editing, you usually want a drop-down list of the looked up values that the user can pick from. Once they do, ASPdb should submit the numeric value, not the "looked up" value to the db. Well, that's what the dbEditDropFlds (and dbFilterDropFlds) are all about. They're designed to do just that. Check them out along with the accompanying examples.

    Take care,

    alex at 11/29/2001 2:06:21 PM

    Is this possible? I have a field that is a foreign key for another table. Instead of showing that meaningless value in a text box, can the default text box be replaced with a dropdown menu containing the appropriate values from the corresponding table?

    Thanks much.

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