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Thread: Error Message

  1. #1
    Tom E Guest

    Error Message

    Get the following message during execution. My CmdTimeout=120, but still get the message after 30 seconds.

    Error # = 80040E31
    Description = [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired
    Source = Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
    SQL State = S1T00
    NativeError = 0

  2. #2
    John Guest

    Error Message (reply)

    Hi Tom,

    Here's some notes from our FAQ #64:

    Q64. How can I set various timeouts in ASP and ASPDB ?
    A. Session Timeout – Specifies the number of minutes that a session can remain idle before the server terminates it automatically. The default is 20 minutes. Set this timeout in your asp file.
    Connection Timeout applies to Connection and Recordset open. The time to wait for a good connection. (Def=15). Set this timeout via Obj.Options=”ConnTimeOut=??”
    Command Timeout applies to commands like store rpocedures and edit execution. (def=30). Set this value in Obj.Options=”CmdTimeout=??”
    For Version 1.x, set dbOptions=”ConnectTimeout=xx” where xx is the CommandTimeOut.

    Tom E at 7/15/99 4:50:11 PM

    Get the following message during execution. My CmdTimeout=120, but still get the message after 30 seconds.

    Error # = 80040E31
    Description = [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired
    Source = Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
    SQL State = S1T00
    NativeError = 0

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