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Thread: ASP-db

  1. #1
    Vu Guest


    Hi Everyone,

    Since I'm new in this field, what do you think about using ASP-db(The Ultimate Web Database Tool) as the front-end to create an application web-page for SQL-Server? Can anyone give me a hint on this? Thank you very much, Vu

  2. #2
    John Guest

    ASP-db (reply)

    Hi Vu,

    I replied to your other message suggesting that ASP-db should work very well for your suggested application. Keep in mind too, that you can make ASP-db "look" like almost anything you want. Check out these examples, along with the user sites we posted on our web page. Sometimes we hit a site and don't even recognize ASP-db at all, but view the source and see that it's there behind the scenes doing all the work! Check out: (main page - "both" mode switches from grid to form) - shows customized "form" layout - shows each record having custom layouts - completely customized form - examples of others using ASP-db.

    You can create your own personal "look and feel" for your web pages and let ASP-db do all the "dirty work" behind the scenes.

    Good luck,

    On 11/23/98 1:42:15 PM, Vu wrote:
    > Hi Everyone,

    Since I'm new in this field, what do you think
    > about using ASP-db(The Ultimate Web Database Tool) as the front-end to
    > create an application web-page for SQL-Server? Can anyone give me a hint on
    > this? Thank you very much, Vu

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