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Thread: ASP with SQL Server 6.5

  1. #1
    Vu Guest

    ASP with SQL Server 6.5

    Hi Everyone, I want to create an application using ASP, VBScript and JVscript to access SQL Server database, but I have no clue how to begin with. Is this way someone show me how to begin with or show me where to look for the information? Thanks, Vu

  2. #2
    John Guest

    ASP with SQL Server 6.5 (reply)

    Hi Vu,

    This is what ASP-db is designed to do, right? You just point us at your database and we'll manage creating records, editing, deleting and viewing the data in both grid and form mode (or both). Your whole "skeleton" application should only be a couple of lines!


    On 11/23/98 12:01:33 PM, Vu wrote:
    > Hi Everyone, I want to create an application using ASP, VBScript and
    > JVscript to access SQL Server database, but I have no clue how to begin
    > with. Is this way someone show me how to begin with or show me where to
    > look for the information? Thanks, Vu

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