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Thread: formating

  1. #1
    jason chesser Guest


    I am using aspdb against some excel spreedsheets. How do I expained the column size being displayed by the aspdb designer. There are a few columns where the text is wrapping and I would like to expand the field so the text shows up on one line.

  2. #2
    jason chesser Guest

    formating (reply)

    where in dbnamemap controlls the length of the field?

    Frank Kwong at 2/4/2002 9:31:01 PM

    USe dbNameMap to format the column.


    jason chesser at 2/4/2002 3:35:36 PM

    I am using aspdb against some excel spreedsheets. How do I expained the column size being displayed by the aspdb designer. There are a few columns where the text is wrapping and I would like to expand the field so the text shows up on one line.

  3. #3
    Donna Guest

    formating (reply)

    try something like this:
    Mydb.dbMagicCell = "0,width=150,#0#; 1,width=250,#1#;"

    jason chesser at 2/11/2002 3:22:01 PM

    where in dbnamemap controlls the length of the field?

    Frank Kwong at 2/4/2002 9:31:01 PM

    USe dbNameMap to format the column.


    jason chesser at 2/4/2002 3:35:36 PM

    I am using aspdb against some excel spreedsheets. How do I expained the column size being displayed by the aspdb designer. There are a few columns where the text is wrapping and I would like to expand the field so the text shows up on one line.

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