1. Download Doesn't work ? What is the error condition ?
2. YOue #1 question - need more detail explanation.
3. NO such feature. Every ASP oe ASP-db file being executed is a session
4. Large Download eliminates the multiple response.write trips hence save the server from crashing. The number if user to download the file depends on the numbers and file size etc... but if you r application calls for that, look into whether the downlaods are repetitive and identifies them for users to download the files already generated.

Download should work.... check for the latest version adn if stil have problem, send me private email and I'll point you example url to test that.


NP at 12/14/2001 4:27:29 PM


We are having problems with the "download" or "LargeDownload" feature. It doesn't seem to work, and even the example doesn't work:

http://www.aspdb.com/aspdb/examples/download-1.asp?aspDBBut_10142=aspDBgridCsv&aspDBUnit=_10142 &aspDBClick_10142=download#ASPDB_10142

The permissions on the directory .../aspdb/temp (read, write) in IIS & "Full Access" to everyone in explorer. No file seems to get created. Here's the script that we used to test the download feature:

<% Response.Buffer=True %>
<!-- #include Virtual=/ASPDB/ASPdb.Inc -->
Set X= Server.CreateObject(&#34;ASP.DB&#34
X.dbOptions=&#34;CmdTimeOut=3600, ConnTimeOut=3600, ScriptTimeOut=3600&#34;
&#39;X.dbUnit = &#34;999&#34;
&#39;X.dbMode = &#34;Grid&#34;
X.dbGridInc = -1
X.dbGridIncMax = 99999999
X.dbNavigationItem = &#34;Top,Prev,Next,Bottom,GridRow,Reload,DownLoad& #34;
X.dbDBType = &#34;Oracle&#34;
&#39;X.dbDisplay = false
&#39;X.dbCsvName = &#34;ASP-db1.csv&#34;
X.dbCsvDelimiter = &#34;Tab&#34;
X.dbLargeDownload = &#34;True&#34;
X.dbDSN = &#34;DSN=dsn_here; UID=user_here; PWD=password_here&#34;
X.dbSQL = &#34;SELECT * FROM somewhere&#34;

(the test query returns a small recordset: ~ 10)

Several Questions:

1) In ASP-DB is it possible to create a large TAB delimited file from the database and trap the URL location of the file to be used in generating an e-mail?
2) Can the download process be done in the background Silently? --- without requiring an ongoing browser session
3) I&#39;ve read some mention of this feature: X.ASPdbSilentDownload --- has this feature been implimented in the current version? It would be real neat if it can be done, specially if it can be linked with the e-mail feature (ie: send e-mail message when process is completed)
4) Can many of these LARGE download processes be executed by multiple users (~ 40 large, preferably silent, downloads at a time) without crashing/crippling IIS?

Any help you can provide would be greatly appriciated,