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Thread: Replicating development changes to productions

  1. #1
    Brian Moss Guest

    Replicating development changes to productions

    Hello. I develop various database projects for my company. We ahve various developers making changes to a development database and when ready, copying those changes over to a production server.

    My question is... how do some of you handle this. I know you can copy objects manually, you can write DTS packages, etc., but I'm just looking for some other thoughts you may like to share.


    Brian Moss

  2. #2
    khuyen Guest

    Replicating development changes to productions (reply)


    We have been able to successfully perform this by generating build scripts for the production/support team.

    I worked on a team of 7 db developers and did not have any probems sending incremental db changes (schema, SPROCs, etc) made in dev ---> to test --> and eventually to production.

    The key is producing a flawless (idiot proof) build script for the production/support team. In practice, this is not that difficult to do.

    Let's take this off-line if you need further assistance.

    Brian Moss at 3/2/00 5:22:12 PM

    Hello. I develop various database projects for my company. We ahve various developers making changes to a development database and when ready, copying those changes over to a production server.

    My question is... how do some of you handle this. I know you can copy objects manually, you can write DTS packages, etc., but I'm just looking for some other thoughts you may like to share.


    Brian Moss

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