Luis Sanchez at 6/2/99 9:36:58 AM

Can someone explain parent, child, and pivot tables please?

Thank you,
Luis Sanchez

Hi Luis:

I can explain two of the three. I am not familiar with a pivot table.. But, I will let you know what a parent and child table are all about.

Think of this in terms of a relational join. A parent/child is a one to many relationship. The parent is the ONE, and the child is the MANY.


Let's say you have a parent table called OFFICES and a child table called OFFICE_ASSIGNMENTS.

Your OFFICES table could hold thousands of records of unique political offices. Now, let's say you want to "assign" candidates to each of those unique offices, to keep track of who is running for each political office.

In this case, you would fire your child form (office_assingment) off of your parent form (offices) to assign as many candidates running for that office as you wish. You could assign 1,000+ candidates to that particular office. By the way, you would fire your child form by throwing a command button on your parent form.

In this example, you have "one" office (Mayor of Washington D.C., for example), and you are assigning "many" candidates to that office.

Hope this helps
