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Thread: SQL + XML

  1. #1
    Tim Guest

    SQL + XML

    Wanted to know if anyone had any references they could throw my way on how to setup SQL7.0 to be a data repository for an xml-based document management system?

    Thanks for any info.



  2. #2
    Chris Thibodeaux Guest

    SQL + XML (reply)

    The only reference I can provide is my experience. You can either persist the xml/xslt files to the filesystem and interact with that, or you can use the TEXT datatype and persist the XML files into your database (essentially the blob style).

    I would use SQL to store the physical path to the file and use the FileSystemObject to read/alter/delete the XML file. The same vbs script could invoke the MSXML object and manipulate the XML file.

    It really depends upon you implementation specific details...

    - HTH -
    Tim at 3/8/01 12:42:49 PM

    Wanted to know if anyone had any references they could throw my way on how to setup SQL7.0 to be a data repository for an xml-based document management system?

    Thanks for any info.



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