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Thread: Simple multi-table select and sort

  1. #1
    Karridy Askenasy Guest

    Simple multi-table select and sort

    This is feeling very hard for me, but is surely very easy for many of you.
    I have 2 Tables. "Events" and "Meals". Both have a columns named "EventDate" and "EventTime". I need to be able to compile a list of both and sort by event date and time. For example, a Meal @ 5:30 would place itself between a 4:00 Event, and a 6:30 Event.

    Pending deadline doom


  2. #2
    NOUR Guest

    Simple multi-table select and sort (reply)

    try this

    1- select the columns you need from both tables i.e

    select a.event,a.eventDate,a.eventTime,b.meal into new_table_name
    from Events a,Meals b where a.id_column=b.id_column

    id_column is the name of the same id column in both tables.

    then do a group by. i.e

    select meal,eventdate,eventtime from new_table_name group by meal,eventdate,eventtime order by eventtime.

    this just an example of group by, but you can use any fields
    you like to sort by.

    Karridy Askenasy at 2/10/2002 6:48:29 PM

    This is feeling very hard for me, but is surely very easy for many of you.
    I have 2 Tables. "Events" and "Meals". Both have a columns named "EventDate" and "EventTime". I need to be able to compile a list of both and sort by event date and time. For example, a Meal @ 5:30 would place itself between a 4:00 Event, and a 6:30 Event.

    Pending deadline doom


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