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Thread: deadLocks

  1. #1
    prasad Guest


    Hi ,

    I have a problem with a SP in 6.5. When i try to run a Stored Proc which is a simple select statement dumped into a temp table in a particular database, I lock other users who are tring to log into other databases some in tempdb database. When i try to kill the process the rollback takes almost 45 mins or so..till then no one can log on to the server.

    The SP works fine when no one is logged into the Great Plains server. One more thing i observed is that, the SP when run results on a deadlock only when the owner is a user. If the owner is DBO it works fine.

    Can anybody throw some light on this.

    Thanks in Advance

  2. #2
    lfmn Guest

    deadLocks (reply)

    are you using (nolock) on your select statements? If not, check BOL

    prasad at 3/5/01 3:11:12 PM

    Hi ,

    I have a problem with a SP in 6.5. When i try to run a Stored Proc which is a simple select statement dumped into a temp table in a particular database, I lock other users who are tring to log into other databases some in tempdb database. When i try to kill the process the rollback takes almost 45 mins or so..till then no one can log on to the server.

    The SP works fine when no one is logged into the Great Plains server. One more thing i observed is that, the SP when run results on a deadlock only when the owner is a user. If the owner is DBO it works fine.

    Can anybody throw some light on this.

    Thanks in Advance

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