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Thread: steps before shutdown production sqlserver on webapplication

  1. #1
    kumar Guest

    steps before shutdown production sqlserver on webapplication


    What are the steps to be followed to shutdown a production sqlserver?
    (like checking user connections, termination processes etc)
    IIS is connecting to the database.


  2. #2
    lfmn Guest

    steps before shutdown production sqlserver on webapplication (reply)

    step 1: make sure nobody is looking.

    only kidding.

    you can either go to Query analyzer and run sp_who to check current activity, or go the the enterprise manager/server/management/current activity/process info. this will tell you who is logged and and what they are doing. If possible, make sure everyone is logged off and there are no important processes running before shutting down. Sometimes, like if it's locked, you just need to reboot.

    Good luck

    kumar at 3/2/01 1:46:09 PM


    What are the steps to be followed to shutdown a production sqlserver?
    (like checking user connections, termination processes etc)
    IIS is connecting to the database.


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