You should change the owner of all user defined stored proc to dbo. It will save you a lot of headache in the future.

MAK at 3/2/01 10:24:52 AM

create a common login/user for these.

use "Sp_changedobjectowner" to change the ownership.

Quyen Hang at 3/2/01 10:02:52 AM

We have three programers developping an application with Visual Basic. They have created some stored procedures, each stored procedure is owned by the its creator. So when M. A want to use the stored procedure created by M. B, he has to put B.stored procedure name and so on. It is really not pratical.

Now, we are looking for a method to make the owner of those stored procedures unique and the programers can modify a stored procdure at any time. Do you have any suggestions ? Thanks