Hi Mak,
I changed it to NamedPies.Now it says unable to connect to server.
I am unable to connect to server even thru Enterprise manager.

MAK at 3/2/01 8:40:00 AM

change your client configuration to named pipes.
change your Server Network Utility to named pipes.

Profiler works only if it is connected using named pipes.


PD at 3/1/01 6:53:43 PM

I am connected to SQl server 7.0 thru TCP/IP .when I run Profiler I get a message like this -
"[MS ODBC SQL Server Driver]The operation could not be completed b'coz your security context could not be impersonated."
I tried using NamedPipes/MultiProtocol N/wLibrary but then also it do not work?
Any idea....