Thanks Bill,

I'll give that a go!

Bill at 2/26/01 2:57:51 PM

You can build steps into your job to email you on step failure and continue on to the next step, or skip the email on success.

Step 1 DBCC checkdb On success Goto step 3 On Failure Goto step 2
Step 2 Failure Mail (use xp_sendmail) On success Goto Next Step On Failure GOto next step.

Hope this helps
liz at 2/26/01 1:51:56 PM

Hi Team,

I've recently had a situation where some of the steps in the daily backup job failed. The job is defined such that if a step fails, it goes on to the next step (these are dev. backups

Is there a way that I can tell it to notfy me of the step failure AND go on to the next step? The notification is reporting that the job was successful when in fact a couple of the steps failed. Is there any way around this?

Thanks in advance,