We are trying to upgrade SQL 6.5 sp3 on NT4 sp4/BDC to a second server, SQL7/NT-sp4/member server, both on the same domain.

After installing SQL7 on the member server, we rebooted, then ran the Upgrade
Wizard, choosing defaults for the first screen, then typing the EXPORT server name and passwords for both server. The upgrade starts, then fails with the error:'Replication can not be upgraded because replupd.exe reported the following error - '12-''Error: Stored Procedure 'sp_msdistribution_counters' not found.

We then click OK and that's it...the upgrade stops. The logs have the same
error that was on the screen.

At one time we tried to configure replication on the 6.5 server, but currently it is not configured as far as I can tell.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.