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Thread: extracting data from a device

  1. #1
    Hemant Sahgal Guest

    extracting data from a device

    hi all,

    i have a device file which i know for sure contains all the data for a database (not the log). is there any way to recover the data from this file?




  2. #2
    anders Guest

    extracting data from a device (reply)

    Check bol for disk refit and disk reinit. Shows you how to reattach a database to a SQL server 6.5 machine.

    Hemant Sahgal at 2/6/01 4:27:52 AM

    hi all,

    i have a device file which i know for sure contains all the data for a database (not the log). is there any way to recover the data from this file?




  3. #3

    extracting data from a device (reply)

    If you are using SQL 7.0 then it is Sp_attach_db

    anders at 2/6/01 6:46:29 AM

    Check bol for disk refit and disk reinit. Shows you how to reattach a database to a SQL server 6.5 machine.

    Hemant Sahgal at 2/6/01 4:27:52 AM

    hi all,

    i have a device file which i know for sure contains all the data for a database (not the log). is there any way to recover the data from this file?




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