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Thread: disable noise words checking in full-text query

  1. #1
    Digital Cloud Guest

    disable noise words checking in full-text query

    how to completly disable noise words checking in full-text query?
    (noise dictionaries already cleared!)

  2. #2
    Junjun Olympia Guest

    disable noise words checking in full-text query (reply)

    After you've cleared the noise word files, what error do you get? If it's "Query only contained noise words..." or something to that effect, then the noise files are NOT cleared. Stop MS Search service, clear the contents of the noise word files, and save.
    But if this isn't the error message and all you get are empty result sets, then you'd have to rebuild the catalog. Btw, rebuilding the catalog is always the final step in modifying the noise files.
    Good luck!

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