I need an advise here... or a hints a good guess or a name of a good SQL Server help source.

I am using an SQL Server 7 table with 3 columns, each is a Unicode NVARCHAR column each contains a different language. (Hebrew, English and Russian).

Usin VB 6 sp 4 with ADO 2.5, I can see the Russian column in a DB DataList object.

The Russian loaded into the DataList is in wrong charaters order. No matter what I do.... The DataList.RowSource is "ordered by" the Russian column. The SQL Server table has an Index on that column.

I thought that the whole idea of Unicode was to solve this kind of situations where you have multiple languages. The content of the column should be sorted correctly and it does not ...

Is it in the SQL server itself ??? Is it the ADO ???

Help ??


Please cc mppm@inter.net.il