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Thread: syslocks

  1. #1
    Simon Guest


    Is there a way to determine how many processes are directly or indirectly
    blocked by a process?

    I know the following query will give all processes which are blocking others but not blocked themselves:

    select * from master..sysprocesses
    where blocked = 0
    and spid in (select blocked from master..sysprocesses where blocked>0)

    However I would like to go further and determine how many processes are held up by the one process.

    Is this possible in a query rather than a stored procedure?

  2. #2
    Patrick Guest

    syslocks (reply)

    Try this SQL ( it is for 7.X ) run this in master though

    SET NOCount on
    exec sp_blockcnt
    SELECT GETDATE(), @@servername + CHAR(10)

    declare @blocker_spid smallint
    declare @i_buff_string char(30)
    set nocount on

    select spid, blocked, hostname=substring (hostname, 1, 10),
    progname=substring(program_name, 1, 10), cmd=substring(cmd, 1, 10),
    status, physical_io, waittype
    into #blk from master..sysprocesses (nolock) where blocked != 0

    delete from #blk
    where blocked in (select spid from #blk)

    select "Blocking spid" = spid, loginame=substring(suser_name(suid),1,10),
    hostname=substring (hostname, 1, 10), progname=substring(program_name, 1,
    cmd=substring(cmd, 1, 10), status, physical_io, waittype
    from master..sysprocesses (nolock)
    where spid in
    (select blocked from #blk)
    -- get root spid

    declare blk_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT blocked from #blk
    open blk_cursor
    fetch next from blk_cursor into @blocker_spid
    while (@@fetch_status <> -1)
    select @i_buff_string = (&#34;dbcc inputbuffer (&#34; +
    convert(char(6),@blocker_spid) +&#34&#34
    select &#34;Below is input buffer for this blocking spid: &#34;, @blocker_spid
    select &#34;&#34;
    exec (@i_buff_string)
    fetch next from blk_cursor into @blocker_spid
    deallocate blk_cursor

    select spid, syslocks.type, locktype=name, table_id=id, page, dbid
    from syslocks, master.dbo.spt_values v
    where syslocks.type=v.number
    and v.type=&#39;L&#39;
    and (syslocks.type & 256)=256
    and spid in (select blocked from #blk)
    order by spid

    drop table #blk
    select &#34;Total users &#34;,count(*) from sysprocesses (nolock)
    select &#34;Blocked users &#34;,count(*) from sysprocesses (nolock) where blocked <> 0
    print &#34;&#34;

    /* Get blocked spids */
    Print &#34;Get blocked spids...&#34;
    select a.spid,
    a.blocked &#34;blocking spid&#34;,
    from sysprocesses a (nolock)
    where a.blocked <> 0
    print &#34;&#34;

    Simon at 10/28/99 4:18:33 AM

    Is there a way to determine how many processes are directly or indirectly
    blocked by a process?

    I know the following query will give all processes which are blocking others but not blocked themselves:

    select * from master..sysprocesses
    where blocked = 0
    and spid in (select blocked from master..sysprocesses where blocked>0)

    However I would like to go further and determine how many processes are held up by the one process.

    Is this possible in a query rather than a stored procedure?

  3. #3
    tiger Guest

    syslocks (reply)

    If you are using SQL 7, another way to check out the blocking is using Enterprise Manager. Goto Management->Current Activity->Locks/Process ID. You will see who is blocker and who are being blocked.

    Simon at 10/28/99 4:18:33 AM

    Is there a way to determine how many processes are directly or indirectly
    blocked by a process?

    I know the following query will give all processes which are blocking others but not blocked themselves:

    select * from master..sysprocesses
    where blocked = 0
    and spid in (select blocked from master..sysprocesses where blocked>0)

    However I would like to go further and determine how many processes are held up by the one process.

    Is this possible in a query rather than a stored procedure?

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