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Thread: xp_sendmail Error 18009

  1. #1
    Patrick Wright Guest

    xp_sendmail Error 18009

    SQL server agent and SQL both log on as the same user and use the same mail profile. SQL server agent sends mail beautifully. I can view the properties of the SQL Server Agent and SQL mail.

    When I execute xp_sendmail it does not send a mail message. When I go to view the properties of SQL Mail or SQL Server Agent the Enterprise Manager locks up.

    The application logs shows an error# 18009 with a severity of 18.

    I reboot the machine and all is well. I still cannot use xp_sendmail


  2. #2
    Patrick Guest

    xp_sendmail Error 18009 (reply)

    Try using internet names to send the mail instead of the outlook/exchange names. Example

    exec master.dbo.xpsendmail '','Subject',&#39 ;Message'

    Patrick Wright at 10/29/99 10:19:38 AM

    SQL server agent and SQL both log on as the same user and use the same mail profile. SQL server agent sends mail beautifully. I can view the properties of the SQL Server Agent and SQL mail.

    When I execute xp_sendmail it does not send a mail message. When I go to view the properties of SQL Mail or SQL Server Agent the Enterprise Manager locks up.

    The application logs shows an error# 18009 with a severity of 18.

    I reboot the machine and all is well. I still cannot use xp_sendmail


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