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Thread: syshistory

  1. #1
    kevin Guest


    "A history record could not be written to msdb.sysbackuphistory or
    msdb.sysrestorehistory" This error message keep showing in the error
    log when up the schedule jobs try to run but come back failed.

    Is my msdb database corrupt is so when I ran dbcc checkdb, newalloc,
    etc. it show everything was ok. Why/What is causing that error message.

  2. #2
    Ray Miao Guest

    syshistory (reply)

    Needs more space, just expand it.

    kevin at 4/5/00 8:58:36 PM

    "A history record could not be written to msdb.sysbackuphistory or
    msdb.sysrestorehistory" This error message keep showing in the error
    log when up the schedule jobs try to run but come back failed.

    Is my msdb database corrupt is so when I ran dbcc checkdb, newalloc,
    etc. it show everything was ok. Why/What is causing that error message.

  3. #3
    Craig Guest

    syshistory (reply)

    Load this SP into MSDB. I run it every month. Change the -60 to -0 and run it. This will truncate your history and correct this error. Then, change it back to some value and run it regularly to prune your MSDB.

    ** This script creates a stored proc in MSDB to run sp_cleanbackupResotre_log
    ** This sp will delete all rows from MSDB related to backups and restores
    ** that are over 60 days old.


    ** Drop it if it exists.
    IF EXISTS ( SELECT name FROM sysobjects
    WHERE type = 'P' AND name = 'sp_cleanbackupRestore_log' )
    DROP PROCEDURE sp_cleanbackupRestore_log

    CREATE PROC sp_cleanbackupRestore_log
    Declare @DeleteBeforeDate datetime
    Select @DeleteBeforeDate = DATEADD (day,-60,getdate())
    Delete from msdb.dbo.sysbackupdetail where backup_id
    in (Select backup_id from sysbackuphistory where backup_start <=
    Delete from msdb.dbo.sysbackuphistory where backup_start <= @DeleteBeforeDate
    Delete from msdb.dbo.sysrestoredetail where restore_id
    in (Select restore_id from sysrestorehistory where backup_start <=
    Delete from msdb.dbo.sysRestorehistory where backup_start <= @DeleteBeforeDate
    PRINT &#34;MSDB cleanup sp complete&#34;

    Ray Miao at 4/6/00 8:11:21 AM

    Needs more space, just expand it.

    kevin at 4/5/00 8:58:36 PM

    &#34;A history record could not be written to msdb.sysbackuphistory or
    msdb.sysrestorehistory&#34; This error message keep showing in the error
    log when up the schedule jobs try to run but come back failed.

    Is my msdb database corrupt is so when I ran dbcc checkdb, newalloc,
    etc. it show everything was ok. Why/What is causing that error message.

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