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Thread: Rather tricky question - How throw information from .....

  1. #1
    Dmitri Guest

    Rather tricky question - How throw information from .....

    Hi everybody,
    I have a good question. If anybody know help me.

    Every body know that SQL Server has SQL SERVER LOG 1- Current and 6 - Archives
    I'm shure every DBA look inside every day. And we can note inside a lot of many adds looks like this one:

    2000-09-28 10:23:42.85 spid10 Starting up database 'pubs'.

    So, we can see that 'spid10' had some activity at that day, but
    HOW TO GET INFORMATION about WHO IS IT - Login name or Username at least.
    Any idea will be appreciated

    Dmitri (DBA)

  2. #2
    Pat Guest

    Rather tricky question - How throw information from ..... (reply)

    The only idea I can think of is as follows:
    1. Within each database you choose tables you watn to audit
    2. Each of the table you add audit fields such as createdate, updatedate, username.
    3. Create a audit table for each table you want to audit
    4. Create update and delete triggers to fire the changes to the audit tables

    Another option would be to setup a sp_who 'Active' task that dumps the results to a table. you then have a second task go in and do a dbcc inputbuffer on the spids in the table and have that output to another table?

    Just rambling some ideas

    Dmitri at 11/17/00 10:41:54 AM

    Hi everybody,
    I have a good question. If anybody know help me.

    Every body know that SQL Server has SQL SERVER LOG 1- Current and 6 - Archives
    I'm shure every DBA look inside every day. And we can note inside a lot of many adds looks like this one:

    2000-09-28 10:23:42.85 spid10 Starting up database 'pubs'.

    So, we can see that 'spid10' had some activity at that day, but
    HOW TO GET INFORMATION about WHO IS IT - Login name or Username at least.
    Any idea will be appreciated

    Dmitri (DBA)

  3. #3
    Dmitri Guest

    Rather tricky question - How throw information from ..... (reply)

    Thanks for answer.
    You are right about audit and this is the much easy to start trace any user activity then try to dig in the past garbage, where just notice about activity and no any responsible faces for it (only spidXX).


    Pat at 11/17/00 10:48:16 AM

    The only idea I can think of is as follows:
    1. Within each database you choose tables you watn to audit
    2. Each of the table you add audit fields such as createdate, updatedate, username.
    3. Create a audit table for each table you want to audit
    4. Create update and delete triggers to fire the changes to the audit tables

    Another option would be to setup a sp_who 'Active' task that dumps the results to a table. you then have a second task go in and do a dbcc inputbuffer on the spids in the table and have that output to another table?

    Just rambling some ideas

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