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Thread: Problems after SQL 7 SP2

  1. #1
    Barb Guest

    Problems after SQL 7 SP2

    We have a VB application that just basically runs a DTS job against the server. Ran fine until the installation of SP2 which I have applied to all our servers. The client can not run it but our developers that have applied SP2 to there desktop can. I thought you only applied SP2 to a clients desktop if they were using EnterPrise Manager. Would anybody know how to find out what dll are updated on the client side that would cause this error.

  2. #2
    AB Guest

    Problems after SQL 7 SP2 (reply)

    You are supposed to install the Service Pack 2 on all the client-only systems, in order to update the respective SQL Server 7.0 components installed on these systems.

    A client-only system is installed when, during a SQL Server 7.0 installation you select "Custom Install" and then, in the Select Components" dialog, you choose only the "Client Connectivity" (without Server Components, Management Tools, Books Online, or Development Tools).

    This SQL Server 7.0 Client Connectivity component is "used to allow comminication between the client and the network" and "includes network libraries for DBLIB, ODBC, OLEDB and SQL-DMO". There are no optional subcomponents for this component.

    The Readme file for the "Service Pack 2 for Microsoft SQL Server 7.0
    and Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) 1.0" describes the recommended way to upgrade the client-only systems. Please look for the Chap. 4 "Redistributing Database Components SP2 Client Components". You'll see the explanation and the command reccomended for updating the Database Components SP2 client connectivity components on the client-only systems:

    sqlredis.exe /C:"setupre.exe MDAC=0 -s -SMS"

    Regards, AB

    Barb at 4/14/00 2:49:40 PM

    We have a VB application that just basically runs a DTS job against the server. Ran fine until the installation of SP2 which I have applied to all our servers. The client can not run it but our developers that have applied SP2 to there desktop can. I thought you only applied SP2 to a clients desktop if they were using EnterPrise Manager. Would anybody know how to find out what dll are updated on the client side that would cause this error.

  3. #3
    Barb Guest

    Problems after SQL 7 SP2 (reply)

    I did install all components on the original installation of SQL Server 7.0. I guess I don't understand how the client gets the distribution of the updated client connectivity components. Is the Sqlredis.exe run on the server or the client? If this is run on the server do these upgrade the client component when the client connects again for the first time?

    AB at 4/14/00 5:01:33 PM

    You are supposed to install the Service Pack 2 on all the client-only systems, in order to update the respective SQL Server 7.0 components installed on these systems.

    A client-only system is installed when, during a SQL Server 7.0 installation you select "Custom Install" and then, in the Select Components" dialog, you choose only the "Client Connectivity" (without Server Components, Management Tools, Books Online, or Development Tools).

    This SQL Server 7.0 Client Connectivity component is "used to allow comminication between the client and the network" and "includes network libraries for DBLIB, ODBC, OLEDB and SQL-DMO". There are no optional subcomponents for this component.

    The Readme file for the "Service Pack 2 for Microsoft SQL Server 7.0
    and Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) 1.0" describes the recommended way to upgrade the client-only systems. Please look for the Chap. 4 "Redistributing Database Components SP2 Client Components". You'll see the explanation and the command reccomended for updating the Database Components SP2 client connectivity components on the client-only systems:

    sqlredis.exe /C:"setupre.exe MDAC=0 -s -SMS"

    Regards, AB

    Barb at 4/14/00 2:49:40 PM

    We have a VB application that just basically runs a DTS job against the server. Ran fine until the installation of SP2 which I have applied to all our servers. The client can not run it but our developers that have applied SP2 to there desktop can. I thought you only applied SP2 to a clients desktop if they were using EnterPrise Manager. Would anybody know how to find out what dll are updated on the client side that would cause this error.

  4. #4
    Guest Guest

    Problems after SQL 7 SP2 (reply)

    The situation you describe is clearly documented in the readme file......

    Barb at 4/17/00 10:33:59 AM

    I did install all components on the original installation of SQL Server 7.0. I guess I don't understand how the client gets the distribution of the updated client connectivity components. Is the Sqlredis.exe run on the server or the client? If this is run on the server do these upgrade the client component when the client connects again for the first time?

    AB at 4/14/00 5:01:33 PM

    You are supposed to install the Service Pack 2 on all the client-only systems, in order to update the respective SQL Server 7.0 components installed on these systems.

    A client-only system is installed when, during a SQL Server 7.0 installation you select "Custom Install" and then, in the Select Components" dialog, you choose only the "Client Connectivity" (without Server Components, Management Tools, Books Online, or Development Tools).

    This SQL Server 7.0 Client Connectivity component is "used to allow comminication between the client and the network" and "includes network libraries for DBLIB, ODBC, OLEDB and SQL-DMO". There are no optional subcomponents for this component.

    The Readme file for the "Service Pack 2 for Microsoft SQL Server 7.0
    and Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) 1.0" describes the recommended way to upgrade the client-only systems. Please look for the Chap. 4 "Redistributing Database Components SP2 Client Components". You'll see the explanation and the command reccomended for updating the Database Components SP2 client connectivity components on the client-only systems:

    sqlredis.exe /C:"setupre.exe MDAC=0 -s -SMS"

    Regards, AB

    Barb at 4/14/00 2:49:40 PM

    We have a VB application that just basically runs a DTS job against the server. Ran fine until the installation of SP2 which I have applied to all our servers. The client can not run it but our developers that have applied SP2 to there desktop can. I thought you only applied SP2 to a clients desktop if they were using EnterPrise Manager. Would anybody know how to find out what dll are updated on the client side that would cause this error.

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